Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Taihape Times

Every Tuesday every household in Taihape has the 'Taihape Times' delivered and this is crucial reading if you want to keep up-to-date with what's going on. (Actually, it is called the 'Central Districts Times' but I have never heard it referred to as that...) It is a wholesome read - births, deaths, marriages, playcentre news, golfing results... The monthly court news is a good round-up with what's been going on in a number of our students' families! Last week I was intrigued to see this advertisement in the classifieds. So much so that it's now on our noticeboard. 5 hours all at once? She only services farmers? She offers her services as the farmers work? (multi-tasking practice??)


  1. Rachel, I love the Blog. Keep it coming to get my mind out of the office and into the Kiwi fresh air.

  2. Ouhhhm my first comment. I really must be turning into a techy geek given the excitement this has given me! ; ) Hope all is well in San Fran Tom!

  3. I can't wait to read about all of your exciting adventures in Taihape. Has anyone dared to call that phone number? Maybe someone is renting out their farming dog.

    Hawaii was awesome! I can't wait to have a really good excuse to come to New Zealand!

  4. so it wasn't your Feilding associations that got you off the fine? Just the pure charm?

  5. Pure charm of course. Although I haven't actually got off it yet. He just agreed to send off the next lot of documentation - it's still up to the Feilding Court...
